Maritime security underscores Japan, Sri Lanka ties:Sri Lanka moves to digital technology with Japanese assistance

Recognizing Sri Lanka’s enormous potential as a maritime nation in the Indian Ocean, the President of Sri Lanka Mahinda Rajapaksa and Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe, expressed their determination to expand the long-standing friendship between the two countries into “a new partnership between maritime countries”; and further strengthen the cooperative relations to play significant roles in the stability and prosperity of the Pacific and Indian Ocean regions.

The Joint Statement issued by the two leaders after bi-lateral discussions at the Presidential Secretariat today, gave much importance to the strategic location of Sri Lanka, in the India Ocean sea lanes straddling Asia and Africa.



Spain Understands the Impact of Terrorism, Spanish FM tells President

Spanish FM tells President-web
The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Spain Mr. José Manuel Garcia-Margalloy Marfil called on President Mahinda Rajapaksa at Temple Trees this morning. 
The discussion focused on strengthening both diplomatic and economic relations between the two nations. The Minister also spoke of Spain’s struggle with fighting terrorism and told President Rajapaksa that Spain understands well the impact of terrorism because his country too has suffered from it for many years. 


'Defence Seminar -2014' begins

Defence Seminar 2014 begins 20140818 03p3

The 'Defence Seminar -2014'organized by the Sri Lanka Army began at the Galadari Hotel in Colombo today morning (18th August). This is the fourth in a series of annual international defence seminars to be held in Colombo since 2011.
Minister of External Affairs Prof. GL Peiris attended as the chief guest. Secretary Defence and Urban Development Mr. Gotabaya Rajapaksa, the conceptual architect of this prestigious international forum attended as a guest of honour.


Japanese Vice-Minister calls on President

japan vice min manabu sakai 19aug2014

Japan’s Vice-Minister of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Mr. Manabu Sakai called on President Mahinda Rajapaksa at Temple Trees yesterday (Aug. 19).
President Rajapaksa conveyed Sri Lanka’s appreciation to Japan for its continued support at international forums, pointing out that Japan has always assisted Sri Lanka at times of need. He also briefed the Minister of Sri Lanka’s post-war development.


High Commissioner Pillay seeks to influence the OHCHR investigation process

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillai is attempting to influence the investigation on Sri Lanka and make it follow a preconceived trajectory. Her public pronouncements to the media when she is scheduled to leave office at the end of the month, on an investigation which has commenced only recently is clear indication of personal bias, the External Affairs Ministry stated in a release yesterday (August 14).

"It is evidence of an attempt to influence the investigation process and make it follow a preconceived trajectory," the ministry release stated. The release added: "She refers in her statement to a 'wealth of information outside Sri Lanka'. This is the same wealth of information that she has tended to refer to in the past, justifying it to be from credible sources, although their origins continue to remain undisclosed, and verification has not been facilitated, the release further stated.


Pakistan-Sri Lanka Foreign Secretary-level talks in Islamabad


Foreign Secretaries of Pakistan and Sri Lanka, Mr. Aizaz Ahmed Chaudhry and Mrs. Kshenuka Senewiratne held Fourth round of Political Consultations on 6th August 2014 at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Islamabad.
The Sri Lankan delegation comprised of H.E. Air Chief Marshal Jayalath Weerakkody, Sri Lankan High Commissioner, Senior DIG Anura Senanayake, Ministry of Defence and Urban Development, Mr. Dharshana Mahendra Perera, Acting DG/South Asia, Ministry of External Affairs, Mr. Samantha Wijesekara, Deputy Director, Department of Commerce, Mrs. Tharanga Liyanage, Director (Middle East & SAARC),Department of External Resources and officials of the Sri Lankan High Commission, while senior officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and 12 other Government Departments were part of the Pakistani delegation.


Our decisions always focus on benefitting future generations, not merely the immediate – President


When taking political decisions we always took a very long-term view of issues, and did not focus merely the immediate and short-term time horizon, President Mahinda Rajapaksa said.

“When we developed the infrastructure of our country we were not thinking of the next 5 years or the next election, but about the next one hundred years and beyond”, President Rajapaksa said addressing the ceremony of the 175th anniversary of Ceylon Chamber of Commerce yesterday.


Sri Lanka among one of the fastest developing economies in Asia - IMF

Sri Lanka's economic growth has been one of the fastest among Asia's developing economies in recent years, International Monetary Fund (IMF) said Tuesday.
The IMF Executive Board releasing its report after the conclusion of Article IV consultations with Sri Lanka said the country's recent economic performance has been better than expected, particularly, given some headwinds from chronic market turbulence and climatic shocks.


Muslims have contributed much for Lanka’s progress – President

On this Ramazan festival, we recall the valued contributions made by the Muslim community for the progress of Sri Lanka in a culture of unity and understanding and look forward to the continuance of such good relations for the future progress of Sri Lanka, President Mahinda Rajapaksa said in a message to mark the Ramazan festival.
“The peace that prevails in the country today has contributed to facilitating their religious practices, and should be strengthened to help in the progress of society and in the country’s development”, President said.


United Nations E-Government Survey 2014: Sri Lanka ranks top among South Asia

Sri Lanka ranks first among South Asian countries in the latest E-Government Development Index conducted by the United Nations.

“Sri Lankan government has made a substantial effort to develop its online portal which now ranks 74th in the world”, the UN said. Sri Lanka ranked 115 in 2012.


SL gets accreditation status in African Union - GL

honmea tanzania july2014

External Affairs Minister Prof. G L Peiris yesterday said that Sri Lanka has achieved accreditation status in the African Union. "It is a matter of great value and importance to us," he said.

Prof Peiris was addressing the media after signing two bilateral agreements with visiting Tanzanian Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Minister Bernard Kamillius Membe. The agreements on Bilateral Political Consultations and on the Establishment of a Joint Commission for Cooperation between the governments of Sri Lanka and Tanzania were signed at the External Affairs Ministry, Colombo.


President appoints international Advisory Council to the Commission of Inquiry


President Mahinda Rajapaksa yesterday appointed an Advisory Council to the Commission of Inquiry, extending the scope of the mandate of the commission. The Advisory Council comprises three legal luminaries. The Right Honourable Sir Desmond de Silva was appointed as the chairman of the council while Sir Geoffrey Nice, and Prof. David Crane are the members.

The Commission of Inquiry appointed vide Gazette Notification 1823/42 dated 15th August 2013 is mandated to inquire and report on the matters that have been referred in paragraph 4. 359 to in the Report of the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC).


Sri Lanka expresses concerns on escalating violence in Gaza


The Government of Sri Lanka is deeply concerned at the recent escalating violence in Gaza, resulting in tragic loss of civilian lives and extensive damage to property. Cross border provocations on locations in parts of Israel also need to cease.

Sri Lanka calls upon the parties concerned to exercise utmost restraint in a bid to halt the violence and ensure a climate conducive to the recommencement of negotiations for a lasting solution to the conflict.Sri Lanka calls upon the parties to engage at the earliest in direct dialogue which is the only viable initiative for sustained peace and security in the region.


Deputy Minister Neomal Perera inaugurates Sri Lanka Honorary Consulate in Zurich

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After his appointment as Sri Lanka Honorary Consul for the Zurich Canton in March 2014, Mr.Vidarshana Munasinghe, the official opening of the Honorary Consulate took place with the participation of the Deputy Minister of External Affairs, Neomal Perera.


South African Deputy President calls on President Rajapaksa

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South African President Jacob Zuma's special envoy to Sri Lanka, Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa called on President Mahinda Rajapaksa at Temple Trees last evening (July 7).
Ramaphosa arrived in Colombo yesterday on a two-day official visit to meet Sri Lankan government, and opposition officials and discuss Sri Lanka's reconciliation process.


Minister Peiris underlines Sri Lanka’s leadership role in Blue Economy

The defeat of terrorism and the advent of peace and stability have brought about significant benefits not only for the people of Sri Lanka but for the whole South Asian region, and it is only right and proper that the magnitude of these benefits should receive recognition, Professor G.L. Peiris, Minister of External Affairs, said in Colombo today (30th June 2014).

He was delivering the keynote address at a symposium on establishing a Centre of Excellence on Ocean Sciences and Environment for the Indian Ocean Rim countries. Sri Lanka’s contribution to the development of the economy in the region far exceeds its size and material resources, the Minister commented. Pointing out that terrorism is one of the main issues which continue to challenge the economy and wellbeing of many of the countries in the region, he said that Sri Lanka’s success in eradicating terrorism from its shores has had a crucial impact on weakening the forces of destabilization in the entire region and, in particular, on reducing the opportunities for collaboration among terrorist groups active in the area.


Sri Lanka - Seychelles Agree to Strengthen Relations


President Mahinda Rajapaksa and Seychelles President James A. Michel during bilateral discussions at the State House in Victoria, the capital of Seychelles, (28) agreed to strengthen already exiting bilateral relations while expanding cooperation into new areas.
President Rajapaksa concluding the two-day state visit to Maldives arrived in Seychelles yesterday.


We do not approve external pressure, will always support Sri Lanka – Maldivian President

HE. Mahinda Rajapaksa-Maldivian President June 2014

“Our two countries have been very good neighbours for a long time. We do not approve undue external pressure over countries. That is why the Maldives consistently stood for Sri Lanka at international fora. We will continue to do so in shoulder to shoulder with Sri Lanka”, Maldivian President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom said during a bilateral discussion with President Mahinda Rajapaksa held at President’s Office in Male yesterday (25).
Following one-to-one meeting between two Presidents, bilateral discussions between the delegations of two countries commenced. The long standing and mutually benefitted relations between Sri Lanka and Maldives was highlighted in this discussion while exploring ways and means for further strengthening relations. “Our countries have been subjected to harassments and too much foreign intervention. This should stop. For that we must stand together”, the Maldivian leader said.


Sri Lanka soars 41 places to rank 74 in UN E-Government Development Index

Making the biggest progress by a member country from its preceding ranking in the 2014 United Nations eGovernment Development Index (eGDI), Sri Lanka has advanced to the 74th position.
At the preceding survey determining the eGDI which was in 2012 Sri Lanka’s position out of 193 countries was 115. Thus the 2014 United Nations eGDI of Sri Lanka is a jump traversing 41 positions.
The rank reached by Sri Lanka out of 193 countries also places it within the first half of the highest ranked countries as well as the in the first position out of South Asian countries.


Attempt to drive a wedge between Sri Lanka and Muslim countries - Prof Peiris

Addressing a group of Colombo based Ambassadors on the recent disturbances, External Affairs Minister Prof. G.L. Peiris said that the events in its internal dimension was a direct attempt to alienate the Muslim community from the government while the external expression of this campaign has as its objective the purpose of driving a wedge between Sri Lanka and Muslim countries, with a view to weakening Sri Lanka in international fora. He said the skillfully conceived and co-ordinated character of the campaign is apparent, and substantial funding as well as other forms of material support from foreign sources is also in evidence.
The redeeming feature, he pointed out, is that mainstream opinion in both the Sinhala and the Muslim communities is moderate and reasonable, and strongly opposed to violence in any form. This is the product, he said, of a long tradition of mutually reliant co-existence of the Sinhala and Muslim communities in the towns and villages of Sri Lanka in a spirit of total empathy, participating freely in each other’s social events.


SL government has taken great strides to reintegrate IDPs - UNHCR

In a statement to mark the World Refugee Day the UNHCR has commended Sri Lankan government on the ‘great strides taken to reintegrate some 573,651 returning internally displaced persons since the end of civil conflict in 2009’.

It had also noted the role played by Sri Lanka on being a host country to populations that flee violence in the South Asian region.


President visits Beruwala, promises stern action against perpetrators of recent violence


President Mahinda Rajapaksa yesterday promised to take stern action against the perpetrators of the communal violence in Aluthgama and Beruwala.

After visiting the areas of Beruwala and Aluthgama affected by the clashes between two groups of people, the President, who just returned from the Bolivia visit, reiterated he will not allow anyone to take law into their hands. An impartial investigation will be conducted into the incident and will definitely bring all culprits to the book irrespective of race or religious differences.


President in Bolivia Explains Sri Lanka’s Reality to World Leaders

President Mahinda Rajapaksa currently visiting Santa Cruz in Bolivia to attend the Golden Jubilee of the G77 held bilateral discussions with several world leaders at the Expo Cruz Export Center on Sunday (June 15) and explained Sri Lanka’s actual situation to them.
Prime Minister of Gabon Mr. Daniel Ona Ondo, President of Uruguay Mr. José Mujica and President of Equatorial Guinea Mr. Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo met President Rajapaksa for bilateral discussion.


Sri Lanka will have the strongest growth in South Asia in 2014 – World Bank

he World Bank's latest Global Economic Prospects (GEP) report, issued on June 10, says Sri Lanka will have the strongest economic growth in South Asia in 2014 reaching 7.2 percent.
According to the report, in Sri Lanka, where output is currently above potential, annual growth is forecast to remain broadly stable at 7.2 percent in 2014, and over time, to moderate to about 6.9 percent in 2015 and 6.7 percent in 2016, slightly higher than estimates of medium-term potential growth for the country.


President Rajapaksa and Prime Minister Modi Meet in New Delhi

HE IndPM 27may2014
President Mahinda Rajapaksa and new Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi met for bilateral talks this morning at the Hyderabad House in New Delhi, India, where the President was warmly welcomed by the Prime Minister.
The two leaders had an in-depth discussion of issues of mutual concern. President Rajapaksa described the initiatives Sri Lanka has taken with regard to rehabilitation, resettlement, reconstruction and the ongoing reconciliation process in the country. President Rajapaksa and Prime Minister Modi also discussed the issue of fishermen of both countries and measures that can be taken to find a permanent solution through a process in which the views of fishermen from both countries can be taken into consideration. Both agreed that talks between the fishermen and the meeting of the joint committee of officials must continue.


Malaysian police arrest three LTTE suspects

Malaysian Police have arrested three men suspected to be members of Sri Lanka's Tamil terrorist group, Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), a top Malaysian police official has said Sunday.

Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar said the suspects were arrested in multiple raids in Petaling Jaya and Klang, Selangor, and were being held under the Immigration Act.


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