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21 may 2020 international tea day fr21 may 2020 international tea day en

Various tea producing countries were celebrating a tea day of their own, some classified as Black Tea Day and some categorized as Green Tea Day depending on the importance to each industry. The day was different from country to country. Sri Lanka and India used to celebrate 10th of December. However with the initiative of China who is making huge strides in the World Tea Industry, United Nations General Assembly declared 21st of May as the International Tea Day. The Food & Agricultural Organisation Inter Governmental Group (FAO/IGG) supported this new idea of China to consolidate the date. The year 2020, is going to be the first occasion to celebrate the International Tea Day. Due to the Corona Virus pandemic attacking the entire world, the event will not consist of outside celebrations or even indoor programs due to the necessity for social distancing and staying safely indoors as much as possible. Thus, it goes without saying that all commemorations needs to be through Social and Digital Media  creating a token ceremonial platform in the tea producing and tea consuming countries the world over.

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