G-15 with South Centre concludes series of symposia with Geneva based International Organisations on the Post-2015 Development Agenda

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29june2015 mrjoakim reiter deputysecretary general unctad29june2015 audience g15 symposium

The Group of Fifteen (G-15), a Summit level organisation of developing countries from Asia, Africa and Latin America and the Caribbean, currently chaired by Sri Lanka has taken an initiative to expand the dialogue between developing countries and Geneva based International Organisations regarding the Post-2015 development Agenda. The year 2015 is considered as a milestone in human development with the United Nations scheduled to endorse the future global development framework that will succeed the Millennium Development Goals (MDG’s) formulated in the year 2000. 


In this regard the G-15 in collaboration with the South Centre organised a series of symposia that brought together countries of the Global South and Geneva based International Organisations to better understand the challenges and opportunities for developing countries in moving forward with the Development Agenda.

The outcome document of the final session